

Please click each image to open the announcement.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library Library (SNFL) Events:

Scan to learn more!

NYC Parks Info:

NYC Parks is excited to announce our NYC Parks E-Pilot Map Input Tool! We are asking for park users to share thoughts on their experiences on NYC Parks’ greenways and drives, especially related to the flow of bikes, e-bikes, e-scooters, pedestrians, or other park users, to improve conditions on these shared facilities.

As a valued partner of NYC Parks, we appreciate your help in sharing our input tool with your networks to help us gather as much feedback as possible. 

Share your thoughts on the conditions of greenways and drives in parks! Use our input tool (available in various languages through the translate feature).

Gridlock Alert Info:

MTA Alerts Customers to Holiday Season’s Upcoming Gridlock Alert Days
First Gridlock Alert Day of Holiday Season on Wednesday, Nov. 16

Gridlock Alert days are:
Wednesday, Nov. 16
Thursday, Nov. 17
Tuesday, Nov. 22
Wednesday, Nov. 23
Wednesday, Nov. 30
Thursday, Dec. 1
Friday, Dec. 2
Tuesday, Dec. 6
Wednesday, Dec. 7
Thursday, Dec. 8
Friday, Dec. 9
Tuesday, Dec. 13
Wednesday, Dec. 14
Thursday, Dec. 15
Riders are reminded to take advantage of numerous fare deals the MTA is offering. Those traveling via the LIRR and Metro-North within New York City during off-peak hours can purchase a CityTicket at a discounted rate. Metro-North and Long Island Rail Road riders can also purchase a 20-trip ticket which offers a 20% discount off comparable 20 peak one-way fares. These tickets are valid for 60 days.