Responsible planning and zoning are key to a well-functioning city. New York’s zoning code, established in 1961, serves as the legal instrument by which development and land use is regulated. Generally, areas are categorized as residential, commercial or manufacturing. Because CB5 was carved out specifically as the central business district, most of the district is comprised of commercial and manufacturing zones. CB5’s Land Use, Housing & Zoning (LUHZ) committee examines issues related to changes in the zoning code and how land is used in the district.
All Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) applications are referred to the LUHZ committee. ULURP is an intensive, timed public process that gives the community the opportunity to weigh in on certain zoning changes. Community boards have a mandated role early in the process and take the first stab at shaping the proposal at hand, giving the LUHZ committee an important responsibility. The LUHZ committee also reviews zoning special permit applications.
Generally meets on the fourth Wednesday of month at 6pm. Meeting time and location subject to change. Please refer to our calendar.
You can find a record CB5’s virtual Land Use, Housing & Zoning Committee meetings on Youtube.
You can find CB5’s Policy on Public Notification here.
Useful Links and Resources
Weekly Construction Bulletins, issued by NYC’s Department of Buildings
Land Use, Housing & Zoning Committee Members
Nancy Goshow (Chair)
Julie Chou (Vice-Chair)
Seth Borden
Ankur Dalal
Michael Greeley
Miles Kirwin
Kim McCall
David Sigman
Mrinal Vikram
Janice Yong
Alan Yu
Zool Zulkowitz
Land Use, Housing & Zoning Public Members
Chris Jackson